Quick Clicks

The Basics

Creating Card Layouts

Specifying Content

Content in CSV Files


Previewing and Finding Errors


Exporting for Documentation, Print-on-Demand, and Online Gaming

Text Layout

Item Tags and Hiding Card Items

Styles, Series, and Rotors


Assigning Tags to Items

Tags are useless until they have been assigned to some card items.

Select one or more card items. Then, in the Tag List, click the leftmost column of the tag you wish to assign to the selected items. A checkmark will appear in that column, showing that the selected items now all have that tag.

If there is a dash in that column, it means that some but not all of the selected items have the tag. If there is nothing in that column, then none of the selected items have that tag.

To unassign a tag from the selected items, click the leftmost column (repeatedly, if necessary) until there is neither a checkmark nor a dash in the column.

Each card item can have as many assigned tags as you like.

Your layout display will not change as you assign and unassign tags; to see whether an item has a tag, select the item and then look for checkmarks in the Tag List.


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