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The Basics

Creating Card Layouts

Specifying Content

Content in CSV Files


Previewing and Finding Errors


Exporting for Documentation, Print-on-Demand, and Online Gaming

Text Layout

Item Tags and Hiding Card Items

Styles, Series, and Rotors


Definitions and Concepts


A Multideck document is a file that defines one deck of cards.


A deck is a single deck of cards as it will appear in your game. Your game may have multiple separate decks; if it does, we recommend that you create a separate Multideck document for each deck.

A deck specifies a card size, which is the same for all cards in the deck. Each deck also contains one or more templates.

Templates, Layouts, and Items

Each template defines one card layout (or two, for double-sided cards: one each for the card front and back). A layout specifies how the content of a card is formatted: for example, where the title is placed on the card, what font is used for the title, and so on. Layouts contain card items, usually just called items. Each item specifies the location, size, and other characteristics of a piece of information to be printed on a card, such as the "title" example mentioned above.

Layouts and items do not specify actual card content (with a few exceptions to be explained later). For example, a typical layout may specify the placement and formatting of a card's title, but does not specify the title text because the title text may be different for every card. This means that one template can print hundreds of cards, all with different content but all with the same layout.

A single Multideck document can have more than one template. If some of the cards in your deck will have a different "look" than other cards, you can add more templates, each with a different layout.

Content and Content Sources

Each template is associated with a content source, which specifies the content of each card to be printed by that template. For example, the content source would supply the different titles for different cards in the example above.

See About Content for more info.

Image Folders

Each template is also associated with an image folder, a folder containing image files that will be printed on the cards.

About Card Sizes

Because a deck may have more than one template, it can produce cards with varying layouts. But all cards must be the same size: if your game requires cards of different sizes, you will have to create a separate Multideck document for each different card size that you require.

If you have multiple decks of the same card size, you could produce them all from a single Multideck document with multiple templates. But we recommend that you create a different Multideck document for each deck.


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