Quick Clicks

The Basics

Creating Card Layouts

Specifying Content

Content in CSV Files


Previewing and Finding Errors


Exporting for Documentation, Print-on-Demand, and Online Gaming

Text Layout

Item Tags and Hiding Card Items

Styles, Series, and Rotors


About Content

Each template in your document has a content source, which specifies the number of cards and their content for that template. Content is organized into a grid of rows and columns. Columns have unique names assigned by you (e.g. "Title", "Flavor Text", etc.). Each row specifies the content for one card (usually, although sometimes one row can create multiple cards). Within a row, each column specifies a field, which contains a text string called the field's value.

In your layout you will create card items, and for each item you will specify the name of a column that will provide content for that item.

We recommend that you use Multideck's built-in Content Editor to create your content. The Content Editor display looks like a spreadsheet, and clearly displays the rows and columns.

The First Row Contains Column Names

The first row of your content must contain the column names. Each name identifies its column. These names are used in the Content field of the Item Info area to associate a column of content with an item in the card layout.

Column names are never visible in the printed output.

Subsequent Rows Contain Card Content

Every row after the first represents the content of one card. Because each column is associated (by its name) with an item in the card layout, each row needs content for each column—although sometimes that content can be empty. In the Content Editor or a spreadsheet, each cell should contain the content to be displayed for that item on the card generated by that row.

Some sample content, as it appears in the Content Editor.

The sample content shown here has four columns, corresponding to four items in the card layout. (The leftmost column is the index column, which tells you the row number and which card(s) it generates. It isn't content, and you can't edit in this column.) The Picture column is for an image item, and contains the filename of an image file. The other columns are for text items.

The top row contains the column names. In the content rows, row 2 defines a card that will show the text "Crossbow", "5 to 50 yards", and "5 HP" in three of its text items, and a picture of a crossbow in an image item.

Two-Sided Cards

If your deck will have two-sided cards, you will still specify all content for each card (that is, the content for both sides) in a single row. Some columns will apply to the card fronts, and some to the card backs; it is okay to use the same column on both sides if you wish. The content does not need to specify which columns will go on which sides of the cards.

Unused and Missing Columns

Columns in your content that are not referenced by any items in your layout are mostly ignored, although they may produce a warning when you validate, print, or export your Multideck document. You may use such columns to hold any content that should not appear on the printed cards, such as notes to yourself.

Missing Columns: Items which reference column names not found in your content are considered errors, and will prevent you from printing or exporting your document.


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