Selecting Card Items
Whenever you make a change to a selected item, all selected items receive the same change. For example, when you drag any selected item to a new location, all other selected items move with it.
There are several ways to create or change the selection:
Click to select: Click any unselected item in the Card Layout area or in the Item List to select it.
Drag to select: Click anywhere in the layout where there is no card item, and drag to select all items touched by or within the drag rectangle.
The Select menu: Use the items in the Select menu to select and deselect items. See below for details.
About selections
You may select any number of items. Any time you have more than one item selected, the first one you selected is the "primary selection" while the rest are "secondary selections". There is never more than one primary selection at a time, but there can be any number of secondary selections.The primary selection is outlined in solid red , while the secondary selections are outlined in dashed red. Unselected items are outlined in gray. The Item Info area will display the info for the primary selection.

Item0 is the primary selection, and Item2 is a secondary selection. Item1 is unselected.
Modifying the Selection
Exception: Shift-clicking a secondary selection will toggle it, either adding it to the selection or removing it if it was already selection.
Shift-clicking the primary selection (see below) has no effect.
The Item List
The item list is handy for crowded layouts with overlapping items. It can be difficult or impossible to click on an item that is "behind" other items in the Card Layout area. Instead, you can select such items by clicking on their titles in the Item List.The Select Menu
The Select menu in the menu bar offers a number of convenient ways to select and deselect items. Most are self-explanatory.At times, items can be hidden in the Layout view. Hidden items cannot be selected. The menu command Select and Reveal All un-hides all items, then selects them all.
The submenus Select by Tag and Deselect by Tag allow you to make and change your selection by using the Item Tags feature. When using Select by Tag, you may hold down the Shift key to add items to the existing selection instead of replacing the existing selection.
Tell me about Item Tags.
Tell me about Selecting by Tag.
The submenus Select by Style and Deselect by Style allow you to make and change your selection according to the Item Styles assigned to your items. Again, you may hold down the Shift key to add items to the existing selection instead of replacing the existing selection.