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Styles, Series, and Rotors


Printing Two-Sided Cards

Double-Sided Printing Requires Two-Sided Cards

To enable double-sided printing, select the Deck tab, then select the "Cards may have two sides" option.

Note that good double-sided printing is not a simple subject. Please read this page carefully and completely before attempting double-sided printing.

See About Two-Sided Cards to learn how to create a layout for your deck's card backs.

Printing is the recommended way to create print-and-play decks for prototyping. If you wish to create output for uploading to print-on-demand services or for digital gaming platforms, see About Exporting.

Selecting which sides to print

When you print, you have the choice of printing just the fronts of your cards, or just the backs, or both sides. These options appear in the Multideck option of the Print panel:

Print options in the Multideck section of the Print window

Use the selector control at the top to print fronts only, backs only, or both. (If your deck does not support two-sided cards, the options for Backs and Both Sides will not be available.)

Which option should I select?

Some printers have the capability to automatically print on both sides of a sheet of paper. You may or may not wish to take advantage of this feature.

Print Both Sides

If your printer supports double-sided printing, and you wish to use that feature, you should select Both Sides.

When you select this option, Multideck will print every card twice: once for its front and once for its back. The printed pages will alternate fronts and backs: odd-numbered pages will show card fronts, and even-numbered pages will show card backs.

Your printer will print page 1 (card fronts), then automatically retrieve that page, flip it over, and print page 2 (card backs) on the other side. It will continue in this fashion until the job is complete.

Print Both Sides, with Foldable cards

The Print foldable cards option prints the front and back of each card side-by-side on the same side of the paper. Cut them out as a single image, then fold them in half to make a two-sided card with the front and back artwork perfectly aligned.

You may choose which edge of the card is the fold, and you may choose whether or not to print a line to show where to fold the card.

You must select Both Sides and Print foldable cards to use this option.

Fronts, then Backs

If your printer does not support double-sided printing, or you choose not to use that feature, then you will have to print your cards in two passes (two separate print operations).

For the first pass, select Fronts. When printing is complete, take the printed pages, turn them over, and put them back in the printer's paper tray. Then print again, this time after selecting Backs.

Important: Be careful to orient the paper correctly when you put it back in the paper tray to print the card backs. You must place the paper so that:

If the pages are not correctly ordered and oriented when printing the card backs, the card backs will not correctly match the card fronts.

Note that when printing card backs, Multideck will print the cards in right-to-left, top-to-bottom order. This ensures that the card backs will match the card fronts, which are always printed in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order.

My card backs are upside-down!

If you use your printer's two-sided printing capability, there is a chance that in some cases (for example, when printing in landscape orientation) the printer may print the card back pages upside-down with respect to the card fronts.

If you have this problem, select the Rotate Card Back Pages 180° option.

We strongly recommend printing just pages 1 and 2 (that is, the first page of card fronts and the matching page of card backs) to ensure that you have selected the correct options. Otherwise you may waste a great deal of paper and ink while you experiment to find the best settings.

About Registration (inaccurate placement)

Registration refers to how precisely the printed area is placed on the page. Few printers can accomplish perfect placement. It is common for there to be as much as 1/8" variation from perfection in placement. This is true of home printers as well as for print-on-demand services.

Poor registration means that the card fronts and card backs may not be perfectly aligned. Multideck offers features for coping with this problem.

Card Spacing

If you are concerned about registration problems, we recommend putting some space between the cards on each page.

Before you print, select Enable Card Spacing, and enter values for horizontal and vertical spacing. We recommend a spacing of 0.25 inches (6.35mm) for both. This will allow space for your registration to be off by as much as 1/8" in opposite directions on each side of the printed pages.

Proper Layout Design for Registration

When allowing for registration problems, it's important to design your card layouts properly. We recommend that your cards either have a white background, or that any color or image you use for a background or border extend 1/8" beyond the "cut edge" of the card. To do this, select the background card item in the Layout tab and select the menu command Arrange > Full Bleed. Also ensure that all significant content is placed inside the "Safe Border", because otherwise it may be cut off. Do the same for both your card fronts and your card backs.


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