Quick Clicks

The Basics

Creating Card Layouts

Specifying Content

Content in CSV Files


Previewing and Finding Errors


Exporting for Documentation, Print-on-Demand, and Online Gaming

Text Layout

Item Tags and Hiding Card Items

Styles, Series, and Rotors


CE Rich Text Markup

Card items with the Rich Text type can have content that specifies different characteristics for different words (e.g. making just one word bold or italic), and can include inline images as if they were characters or words.

Tell me more about Card Item Types.

To do this, the content for a Rich Text item uses embedded Rich Text Markup commands. These are similar but not identical to HTML markup commands. For example, to make a single word bold, you could enter the text This is a {.b}bold{/b} word into a cell for a Rich Text card item.

The Rich Text CE Toolbar

Markup can be annoying to type, and difficult to remember when you are editing your content. The Rich Text toolbar in the content editor can insert markup for you, so that you don't have to remember or type it.

The Rich Text toolbar in the Content Editor window.
The buttons in the Rich Text toolbar are available only while you are editing the content of a cell. They operate on the selected text within the cell by wrapping the selected text in appropriate markup commands. (You will see the actual markup in the content editor; it's just text. To see the effect on your cards, use the Layout panel's Preview mode.)

Basic Rich Text Markup Buttons

The B, I, U, and S buttons will insert markup to make the selected text bold, italic, underlined, or strike-through.

The ↩︎ button inserts markup for a newline (aka "line break").

The \{ button inserts markup for a literal { (open curly brace) character. Because that character is used to begin markup commands, you must use this button (or manually add its markup) if you need a literal { character in a rich text field.

Font Markup Controls

The Change Font popup menu lets you select a font. Markup will be inserted to render the selected text in that font. The = button lets you select an absolute point size for the selected text, while the ± button lets you vary the font size by adding or subtracting points from its current size.

The {.f} button inserts markup that cancels the effect of any earlier font, font-size, and/or font style markup. (It does not affect text color.)


The Image button displays a panel that lets you select an image from among those found in your template's Image Folder. You can specify an image in any of several ways:

Column Reference and Style Attributes are advanced topics.
Tell me more about Column References in Rich Text Markup. (See the section Embedded References to Other Fields on that page.)
Tell me more about Style Attributes in Rich Text Markup.

The Image button can be used while editing cell content as usual, but it can also be used if you have just one cell selected and aren't editing yet. If you do, the cell will begin editing, and the image markup will be appended to any text already in the cell.

Text Shadow Popup

Select Black, White, or None to apply (or remove) a shadow effect to the selected text.

Text and Background Color

The Text Color and Item BG Color buttons display a color-selection panel. Use the panel to choose a color: you can use a standard "named" color, select a color you've already recently used elsewhere, or open the standard Color Panel to choose your color.

If you clicked the Text Color button, the selected text will be drawn in your color.

The Item BG Color button is different: it will set the background color for the entire item, not just for the selected text. The markup is always inserted at the beginning of the text.

The Advanced CE Toolbar

The Advanced toolbar is for Rich Text functions which many card decks won't need, and whose effects require a deeper understanding of their functions. We recommend that you read about these functions before trying to use these features.

The Advanced toolbar in the Content Editor window.

The Column Reference Popup

The content of one cell in a row can be automatically included in the content of another cell in that row, by using column-reference markup to specify which other column has the content to be included.

Select a cell, or some text within a cell, then select a column name from the Column Reference popup menu. Markup will be inserted into the selected cell.

Tell me more about Column References in Rich Text Markup.

The Series Button

Use this button to replace the selected cell's content with markup for a series. (Remember that series markup must be the entire content of a cell, and cannot be embedded within other content.)

The inserted markup will always be |el1|el2|el3|el4| where "el1", "el2", and so on are the elements of the series. You must edit these to replace them with the values you want in your series.

You may add more elements to the series by typing them in and separating them with "|" characters; remember that the last element must also end with a "|".

You may also delete elements if you don't need so many.

Tell me more about Series.

The Rotors Button

Use this button to replace the selected cell's content with markup for a rotor.

The button will open a panel where you can configure your rotor. You can choose to create a new rotor, or reference an existing, tagged rotor.

If you create a new rotor, you can give it an optional tag (so that it can be referenced later by other rotors) and optionally set its "stagger" option.

To insert a reference to an existing rotor, select the rotor by choosing its tag name from the popup menu.

Rotor markup syntax is similar to Series markup syntax (see above). You can edit, add, and delete elements in the same way.

Tell me more about Rotors.

The Style Button

The Style button inserts Style markup. Unlike the other buttons in the Advanced toolbar, Style is available only when you are editing within a cell, and applies markup to the selected text.

Clicking the button displays the Style panel, which displays instructions for its use.

Tell me more about Styles.
Tell me more about Style markup in Rich Text.


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