Quick Clicks

The Basics

Creating Card Layouts

Specifying Content

Content in CSV Files


Previewing and Finding Errors


Exporting for Documentation, Print-on-Demand, and Online Gaming

Text Layout

Item Tags and Hiding Card Items

Styles, Series, and Rotors


Setting Up a New Deck

Choose File > New, or press ⌘N. In the window that appears, select the Deck tab.

The document window for a new document.

Selecting the Card Size

Choose a standard size from the Card Size popup menu, or enter a card size in the text fields.

Select a card size for your deck, either by choosing a standard size from the popup menu, or by entering your desired size in the Card Size fields. For convenience the menu lists all sizes currently available for square and rectangular cards from TheGameCrafter. But you may enter any size you like, within reason; you are not limited to the ones in the menu.

You may specify card size in either inches or millimeters by selecting your preference using the in/mm button.

You may change the card size at any time, even after adding items to layouts (see Adding and Selecting Items). Layouts will not be scaled to fit a changed card size; you must do that work by hand. (For this reason we recommend getting the card size right from the beginning!)

It is harmless to change the card size in an existing deck, and then change it back to what it was. You can also use the Undo command to revert a card size change.

The popup menu of standard card sizes.

Two-Sided Cards

Often, you will only need to make one-sided cards; the back sides can be blank. If you need to create two-sided cards, select the "Cards may have two sides" option. This will enable you to create card backs as well as card fronts, and to print and export two-sided cards.

You don't have to decide about two-sided cards right away. You can change this setting at any time. You will not lose anything by changing the setting: if you have designed card backs and you later turn off the two-sided cards setting, you can just turn it back on to see all your card backs again.


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