The Tag List
The Tag List is where you can create, delete, and edit tags, and assign them to (or unassign them from) selected card items. It is located in the Layout tab, in the rightmost column, at the bottom underneath the Effects.

The Tag List, at the lower-right of the Layout window.
The list shows all tags in the document. The two tags shown in the illustration above are permanent, and always present in every document.
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Tags
You can create your own tags, as many as you like. To create a tag, click the "+" button at the bottom of the Tag List. A new tag named "Untitled" will be created and added to the list.To give the tag a better name, click on the name to open it for editing, then type the name you want it to have. Press Return or Enter when you are done.
Tags can have icons. These have no real purpose except that you might find looking for an icon in the list to be easier than looking for a title. To change a tag's icon, click on the icon and select a new icon from the popup menu.
To delete a tag, select it in the Tag List and click the "-" button at the bottom of the Tag List.
The two permanent tags, Do Not Print and Do Not Export, cannot be deleted.