Quick Clicks

The Basics

Creating Card Layouts

Specifying Content

Content in CSV Files


Previewing and Finding Errors


Exporting for Documentation, Print-on-Demand, and Online Gaming

Text Layout

Item Tags and Hiding Card Items

Styles, Series, and Rotors


Menu Commands

Multideck-specific menu items are listed and briefly explained here. Familiar, generic, and common Macintosh menu items are not.


Validate Project

Validation Options
Validate your project (search for errors and warnings), and select the options used when validating.
Tell me more about Validation.

Opens the Filter panel, which lets you select a subset of your deck to be previewed or printed.
Tell me more about Filtering.

Export Deck Images
Opens the Export panel, which lets you select options for exporting your deck as card image files suitable for upload to gaming sites and print-on-demand services.
Tell me more about Exporting.

Export Content to CSV
Exports the selected template's content to an external CSV file. (Available only when the selected template uses the Content Editor.)
Tell me more about Templates.
Tell me more about CSV files.
Tell me more about the Content Editor.


Copy Styles
Copy all Styles defined in your project. You may then open a different project, and paste those Styles into that project.
Tell me more about Styles.

Copy Card Image
Available while using the Layout tab. This command creates a 300ppi image of your currently-previewed card and places it on the clipboard.
Tell me more about Preview.

Duplicate Item and Duplicate Template
Duplicate Item creates a duplicate of each selected card item and adds those duplicates to the layout. Duplicate Template creates a duplicate of the selected template and adds that duplicate to the Template List.
Tell me more about Templates.
Tell me more about Layouts.
Tell me more about Card Items.


The menu commands in the Select menu operate on card items in the Layout tab. (They do not operate on text or cell selections in the Content Editor.)

Select and Reveal All
Like Select All, this command selects all card items. In addition, if any card items are currently hidden by tag, these items are revealed.
Tell me more about Hiding by Tag.

Invert Selection
All selected items become unselected; all other items become selected.

Select by Tag
Deselect by Tag
Choose a tag name from the Select by Tag or Deselect by Tag submenu to select or deselect all card items that have the chosen tag. Your selection is not otherwise affected.
Tell me more about Item Tags.

Select by Style

Deselect by Style
Choose a Style name from the Select by Style or Deselect by Style submenu to select or deselect all items that have the chosen style.
Tell me more about Styles.


The menu commands in the Select menu operate on card items in the Layout tab.

Bring Forward
Bring to Front
Send Backward
Send to Back
These Bring/Send commands affect the Z-order of the selected card items. Items are printed in back-to-front order, so card items nearer the front will overprint and partially (or completely) obscure card items nearer the back. These commands have no visible effect if none of your card items overlap.

Use the menu commands in the Guides submenu to create and delete guides in the Layout tab.
Tell me more about Guides.

Center Horizontally and Center Vertically center all selected card items within the bounds of the card.

Move to Safe Margin
The commands in the Move to Safe Margin submenu move all selected items toward the edges of the card, so that they abut the safe margin in the chosen direction(s).
Tell me more about the Safe Margin.

Fit to Safe Margin
The commands in the Fit to Safe Margin submenu resize all selected items either horizontally or vertically, so that they abut the left and right (or top and bottom) safe margins.
Tell me more about the Safe Margin.

Move to Cut Margin
The commands in the Move to Cut Margin submenu move all selected items to the edges of the card in the chosen direction(s).

Fit to Cut Margin
resize all selected items to reach the edges of the card in the chosen direction(s).

Full Bleed
The Full Bleed command resizes the selected items so that they extend 1/8" (9mm) past the edges of the card on all sides.
Tell me more about Full Bleed.

Align and Space
The commands in the Align submenu align all selected items by a chosen edge, or by their centers. The commands in the Space submenu distribute all selected items evenly, either horizontally or vertically.
Tell me more about aligning items.


The menu commands in the Content menu operate on the Content Editor window and its content. All commands are unavailable if the selected template does not use the Content Editor.

Show Content Editor
Opens the Content Editor window and brings it to the front.

The Columns submenu contains commands for adding and deleting columns, and for automatically setting a column's width to match its content. These menu items are identical to those in the Title Row contextual menu.
Tell me more about the Title Row contextual menu items.

The Rows submenu contains commands for adding, duplicating, and deleting rows, and for adjusting the row height either to match its content or to restore its default (one-line) height. These menu items are identical to those in the Index Column contextual menu.
Tell me more about the Index Column contextual menu items.

The Cells submenu contains commands for copying a cell's content to other cells in its row or column, and for filling a row or column with numbers that increase starting with the number in the selected cell. These menu items are identical to those in the Cell contextual menu.
Tell me more about the Cell contextual menu items.

Sort Rows
Opens the Content Editor's Sort panel, which allows you to sort the rows in the Content Editor. In the panel, you may choose to sort all rows or only those that are selected; and you may select from various sort options for up to three columns' content.


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