On This Page
Overview of Filtering#PrintSelected
The Filter Display
Including and Excluding Cards
Including and Excluding Templates
Including and Excluding Card Sets
Viewing Content Columns
Sorting the Card Lists
Filter Persistence
Filtering and Validation
Filtering: How to Choose Which Cards to Print or Export
Everything in this chapter applies equally to printing and exporting your deck. We will use printing to mean both printing and exporting.
By default, when you print, your entire deck is included, meaning that every card is printed. But sometimes you may not want to print every card. You may want to print only those cards that have changed since your last printing, or you may want to print only a particular subset of your deck, for example a new expansion. This chapter explains how you can filter your deck, which means choosing which cards to print or not print.
The original version of Multideck had only one way to specify cards that should not be printed: the special column name #PrintSelected. This feature is still useful and supported, but it is clumsy for some purposes because it requires that you edit your content. To learn more about this feature, see Special Column Names and Values.The Filter Display
Multideck now also supports the Filter feature, which allows you to choose which cards to print and which not to print from within Multideck.Open the Filter display by clicking the Filter toolbar button, or by selecting the menu command File > Filter.
The Filter display will list all of the templates in your deck, and within each template, every card in that template.
If you have several templates, you can use the disclosure triangles to hide or show the cards of each template.
Each card within a template has a checkbox. If a card's checkbox is selected then that card is included and will be printed. If the checkbox is not selected, the card is excluded and will not be printed.
Including and Excluding Cards
To include or exclude a specific card, click its checkbox to select or unselect it.To include all cards in your deck, click the Include All button at the bottom of the display.
Note that there is an associated checkbox labeled Honor #PrintSelected. If that option is selected, clicking Include All will respect the content by not including any card that would normally be excluded by the #PrintSelected mechanism. To include all cards regardless of #PrintSelected, unselect the Honor #PrintSelected option before clicking the Include All button.
To exclude all cards, click the Exclude All button. This is useful to clear the list before adding specific cards back in, when you only want to print a few cards.
Including and Excluding Templates
If your deck has multiple templates, you may wish to exclude an entire template from printing. You could do this by unselecting every card in the template, but there is a better way.Each template has a checkbox of its own. If you unselect a template's checkbox, then all of its cards are also unselected.
If you later select that template again, you will find that any individual cards that were excluded before you excluded the template are still excluded. That is, excluding and then re-including a template does not affect the status of the template's cards.
You may also wish to simply include or exclude all cards within a template. To do this, right-click or control-click the template's line. A popup menu will appear, allowing you to select Include All in 'Template' or Exclude All in 'Template' (among other options). This is simply a shortcut for individually selecting or unselecting each card in the template.
If you don't wish to include any cards from a template, be sure you unselect the template itself instead of unselecting all the cards in the template. If the template is selected but contains no cards to be printed, validation will report an "empty template" error and will not permit you to print.
Including and Excluding Card Sets
You may create named sets of cards. Each card in your deck can belong to any number of those sets. You can then use the Filter feature to include or exclude cards in specific sets from printing.In your content, add a column named #CardSets. In the fields of the #CardSets column, list the name or names of each set a card belongs to, with the names separated by commas.
For example, suppose in your game each player takes the role of Mage, Archer, Thief, or Cleric. A card that can only be used by a Mage would have Mage in the #CardSets column, while a card that could be used by any player would have Mage, Archer, Thief, Cleric in that column.
Now go to the Filters tab. To select only the Mage cards for printing, first click the Exclude All button so that no cards are selected, then select "Mage" from the CardSets popup menu in the Include section. All cards in the Mage set will automatically be selected for inclusion.
Similarly, you can exclude all cards from a set by selecting that set from the popup menu in the Exclude section.
You can work with multiple sets in interesting ways
by selecting sets for inclusion or exclusion in the proper order.
For example, to print all cards in the Mage set
that are not in the Archer set:
first unselect all cards;
then include the Mage set;
then exclude the Archer set.
Viewing Content Columns
The Filter display can show up to four columns
from your content.
By default, the first four columns listed in the content are shown.
You can choose a different column
to show in each of the four display columns.
Right-click or control-click the column name in a template row to choose from the full list of columns. Your selected column will be shown in that column of the Filter display.

The popup menu after right-clicking on the Buildings column header.
Selecting Resource from the menu will show the Resource content in this column instead of the current Buildings content.
Sorting the Card Lists
Right-click or control-click the column name in a template row to choose a sorting method. The card list for that template will be sorted according to the content in that column, using your selected method (forward or reverse alphabetic or numeric, or "content order" which restores the original order from the content).
Filter Persistence
Filters are not saved when you save or close a Multideck document, nor when you have changed its content. Whenever you open a document, its initial filter will print all cards except those excluded by the #PrintSelected feature.However, a document's filter is persistent for as long as that document and Multideck itself are open, and you have not changed any card content. The filter will have effect every time your print or export. So it's important to remember the filter whenever you decide to print or export your deck, and be sure that it's correct.