Quick Clicks

The Basics

Creating Card Layouts

Specifying Content

Content in CSV Files


Previewing and Finding Errors


Exporting for Documentation, Print-on-Demand, and Online Gaming

Text Layout

Item Tags and Hiding Card Items

Styles, Series, and Rotors


About Exporting

Select the File > Export Card Deck... menu command or click the Export button in the toolbar to output your deck in a format suitable for uploading to a print-on-demand service, or suitable for use on digital gaming platforms.

Important: You do not have to export all your cards. The Filter features let you choose which cards are exported, and which are not. Improper use of filtering can cause some cards to be omitted from printing and exporting. Please be sure you understand filtering to ensure that you export all the cards you want exported.

Multideck can export your deck in a format suitable for uploading to online print-on-demand (POD) services such as TheGameCrafter.com and others. It can also export your deck in a format suitable for use with digital gaming platforms such as Vassal, Tabletop Simulator, and others.

Some of these services require individual images for each distinct card face and card back to be uploaded to the service's website. Some others require large "sheet" images that have the card images tiled onto them. Each service has its own requirements, recommendations, and templates for formatting the images.

Multideck is in no way associated with TheGameCrafter.com, the Vassal gaming platform, Tabletop Simulator, or any other online services. These services are mentioned only as examples. They do not endorse Multideck, and are probably unaware of its existence.

Selecting Export Options

When you select the File > Export Card Deck menu command you will be shown a panel of options. Here you can influence the format of the exported card images.
(See Export Options for details, after reading the rest of this page.)

Selecting an Output Folder, and Exporting

After you have selected your export options, you will be asked to select an output folder. After you do, exporting will begin. This may take a few minutes, depending on how many cards are in your deck, how complex your layouts are, and so on. When it is done, your selected output folder will either contain an individual, properly-formatted image file for each card in your deck, or one or more large images ("sheets") with multiple cards tiled onto them, depending on your selected options.

Important: Files created by exporting will silently overwrite existing files that have the same name. We strongly recommend exporting only into empty folders. Otherwise, be careful to move or rename your files if you wish to keep them safe from later exports.

By default, the image files for individual cards will have names like "document-template-F-001.png", "document-template-B-005.png", and so on. In these filenames, document is the name of your Multideck document, template is the name of the template for this card, "F" or "B" indicates the front or back of the card, and the number is the index number of the card within its template. If you export sheets, they will have names like "document-F-sheet-001.png".

If you prefer, you may select the "Custom Filename" option. If you do, your custom filename will be used, with -F or -B appended as needed, and with index numbers also appended as needed. Document and Template names are not used with custom filenames.

PNG is the only available image file format.

Multideck will not upload images for you. Uploading your exported image files to the service is up to you.

Important: We strongly suggest that you create a dedicated folder for your output files, and that you put nothing else in that folder.

The export function will silently overwrite any existing files of the same names in the output folder. If you wish to keep copies of an earlier export, either create a new directory for your next export, or move the old image files elsewhere first.


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