Rules for Auld Lang Syne

Family: Aces High
Categories: Simple, Small, Short
Also Known As: Patience

This is a very simple game, suitable for children or for those times when you need to turn your mind off and relax. Because of its tiny layout, it’s also a good game to play on your lap or on small trays during trips. It is easy to learn and play, but it is a completely mechanical game with no room for strategy and wins are very rare.


There are four tableaus which start out empty, and four foundations which each start with an Ace. Keep the deck in your hand for dealing.


Deal four cards, face up, one onto each tableau pile. Whenever you can, move these cards onto the foundations, which build up in suit. When you can make no more moves, deal four more cards onto the tableaus, and keep going.

Empty tableau piles cannot be filled except by dealing.


Click the deck to deal four cards onto the tableaus.


The goal is to move all the cards onto the foundations.


Just pay attention, make every foundation play that you see, and hope for the best!

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